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Scholarly Journals

Scholarly journals are generally academic journals that encourage academic and scientific research. These journals generally prefer to publish original works, conducted following a systematic research methodology. The articles published in the scholarly journals are critically evaluated following in-depth analysis of the research data. Scholarly Journal articles strictly adhere to a standard format of writing.

Once the author accomplishes their task of writing following the standard format and submits the manuscript for publication, it is the responsibility of the scholarly journal to verify whether it is written as per the academic and research norms. Scholarly journals hence subject like medical and clinical articles for a blind peer review or double peer review system and expect the authors to correct and resubmit the research articles as per the expert opinion. Scholarly journals thus expect the authors to sign the declaration, stating that the work is original and unpublished that duly acknowledges the sources referred for information.
Browse by Subjects
Accounting & Marketing Open Access
Addiction Research & Therapy Open Access
Advanced Techniques in Biology & Medicine  Open Access
Advancements in Genetic Engineering  Open Access
Advances in Automobile Engineering Open Access
Advances in Crop Science and Technology  Open Access Official Journal of Arab Society of Plant Protection
Advances in Dairy Research  Open Access
Advances in Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety  Open Access
Advances in Robotics & Automation Open Access
Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering Open Access, Official Journal of Brazilian Association of Ultra lights
Aging Science  Open Access
Agrotechnology Open Access
AIDS & Clinical Research Open Access
Air & Water Borne Diseases Open Access
Alcoholism and Drug Dependence  Open Access, Official Journal of International Society of Addiction Medicine
Allergy & Therapy Open Access
Alternative & Integrative Medicine  Open Access Official Journal of World Association of Integrated Medicine
Alzheimer's Disease & Parkinsonism Open Access
Analytical & Bioanalytical Techniques Open Access
Anaplastology Open Access
Anatomy & Physiology Open Access
Ancient Diseases & Preventive Remedies  Open Access
Andrology-Open Access 
Andrology & Gynecology: Current Research Saudi Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology
Anesthesia & Clinical Research Open Access
Angiology: Open Access  
Anthropology  Open Access
Antivirals & Antiretrovirals Open Access
Applied & Computational Mathematics Open Access
Applied Mechanical Engineering Open Access
Aquaculture Research & Development Open Access Official Journal of Reef Ball Foundation
Architectural Engineering Technology Open Access
Arthritis Open Access
Arts and Social Sciences Journal Open Access
Astrobiology & Outreach Open Access
Astrophysics & Aerospace Technology Open Access
Autacoids Open Access
Autism Open Access Official Journal of Autism Community Network
Advanced Chemical Engineering Open Access
Automatic Control of Physiological State and Function Open Access
Arabian Journal Business and Management Review Open Access
African Journal of Psychiatry: Open Access Open Access
Bacteriology & Parasitology Open Access
Bioanalysis & Biomedicine Open Access
Bioceramics Development and Applications  Open Access Official Journal of International Society for Ceramics in Medicine
Biochemistry & Pharmacology: Open Access
Biochemistry & Physiology: Open Access
Biochemistry and Analytical Biochemistry Open Access
Biochips & Tissue Chips Open Access
Biodiversity & Endangered Species  Open Access
Bioenergetics Open Access
Bioengineering & Biomedical Science Open Access
Bioequivalence & Bioavailability Open Access, Official Journal of Association of Contract Research Organisations
Biofertilizers & Biopesticides Open Access
Biological Systems- Open Access
Biology and Medicine  Open Access
Biometrics & Biostatistics Open Access
Biomolecular Research & Therapeutics  Open Access
Bioprocessing & Biotechniques Open Access
Bioremediation & Biodegradation Open Access
Biosafety Open Access
Biosafety & Health Education Open Access, Official Journal of National Biosafety Association (ANBio)
Biosensors & Bioelectronics Open Access, Official Journal of International Frequency Sensors Association, Romanian Measurement Society
Biotechnology & Biomaterials Open Access Official Journal of Semi-Conductor Society, Society for Applied Biotechnology
Bioterrorism & Biodefense Open Access
Blood Disorders & Transfusion Open Access Official Journal of Thalassaemia International Federation
Blood & Lymph Open Access
Bone Marrow Research  Open Access
Brain Disorders & Therapy Open Access Official Journal of Bulgarian Society of Neurology (Europe)
Business and Economics Journal Open Access
Business and Financial Affairs Open Access
Biomusical Engineering Open Access
Biosensors Journal Open Access
Biomimetics Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Open Access
Cancer Science & Therapy Open Access, Official Journal of European Biotechnology Thematic Network Association
Carcinogenesis & Mutagenesis Open Access
Cardiovascular Diseases & Diagnosis Open Access
Cardiovascular Pharmacology: Open Access  
Cell & Developmental Biology Open Access
Cellular and Molecular Biology
Cell Science & Therapy Open Access
Chemical Engineering & Process Technology Open Access
Chemotherapy: Open Access Official Journal of Italo-Latin American Society of Ethnomedicine
Child and Adolescent Behavior Open Access
Chromatography & Separation Techniques  Open Access
Civil & Environmental Engineering  Open Access
Civil & Legal Sciences Open Access
Clinical Case Reports Open Access
Clinical & Cellular Immunology Open Access
Clinical & Experimental Cardiology Open Access
Clinical & Experimental Dermatology Research Open Access
Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology Open Access, Official Journal of Afro-Asian Council of Ophthalmology
Clinical & Experimental Pathology Open Access
Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology Open Access
Clinical Diagnosis and Research Open Access
Clinical Microbiology: Open Access  
Clinical Pharmacology & Biopharmaceutics Open Access
Clinical Research & Bioethics Open Access
Clinical Research on Foot & Ankle Open Access
Clinical Toxicology Open Access
Clinical Trials Open Access
Cloning & Transgenesis Open Access
Coastal Development Open Access
Communication Disorders, Deaf Studies & Hearing Aids Open Access
Community Medicine & Health Education Open Access
Computer Science & Systems Biology Open Access
Current Synthetic and Systems Biology Open Access
Cytology & Histology Open Access
Chemical Sciences Journal  Open Access
Clinics in Mother and Child Health Open Access
Climatology & Weather forecasting Open Access
Cellular & Molecular Biology Open Access
Data Mining in Genomics & Proteomics  Open Access
Defense Management Open Access
Dentistry Open Access, Official Journal of Alexandria Oral Implantology Association, London School of Facial Orthotropics
Depression and Anxiety Open Access
Developing Drugs  Open Access
Diabetes & Metabolism Open Access, Official Journal of European Biotechnology Thematic Network Association
Drug Designing  Open Access
Drug Metabolism & Toxicology Open Access
Earth Science & Climatic Change Open Access
Ecosystem & Ecography Open Access
Electrical & Electronic Systems Open Access
Emergency Medicine Open Access, Official Journal of World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care societies
Endocrinology & Metabolic Syndrome Open Access, Official Journal of PCOS Awareness Association
Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology Open Access
Entrepreneurship & Organization Management Open Access
Environmental & Analytical Toxicology  Open Access
Enzyme Engineering Open Access
Epidemiology: Open Access
Ergonomics Open Access
Family Medicine & Medical Science Research Open Access
Fermentation Technology Open Access, Official Journal of Italo-Latin American Society of Ethnomedicine
Fertilization: In Vitro Open Access, Official journal of IVF World Wide
Fisheries and Aquaculture Journal Open Access
Fisheries & Livestock Production  Open Access
Food Processing & Technology Open Access, Official Journal of Italo-Latin American Society of Ethnomedicine
Forensic Research Open Access
Forest Research: Open Access
Fungal Genomics & Biology Open Access
Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications Open Access
Forensic Biomechanics Open Access
Gastrointestinal & Digestive System Open Access
Gene Technology Open Access
General Medicine  Open Access
General Practice  Open Access
Genetic Syndromes & Gene Therapy Open Access, Official Journal of European Biotechnology Thematic Network Association
Geography & Natural Disasters Open Access
Geology & Geosciences Open Access
Geophysics & Remote Sensing Open Access
Gerontology & Geriatric Research Open Access
Global Economics  Open Access
Glycobiology Open Access
Glycomics & Lipidomics Open Access
Gynecology & Obstetrics Open Access, Official Journal of PCOS Awareness Association
Generalized Lie Theory and Applications Open Access
Global Journal of Technology and Optimization Open Access
Haematology & Thromboembolic Diseases Open Access
Hair : Therapy & Transplantation Open Access
Health & Medical Informatics Open Access
Health Care : Current Reviews  Open Access
Hereditary Genetics Open Access
Homeopathy & Ayurvedic Medicine Open Access
Horticulture Open Access
Hotel & Business Management  Open Access
Human Genetics & Embryology  Open Access
Hydrology: Current Research Open Access
Hypertension- Open Access  Open Access Official Journal of Slovak League against Hypertension
Industrial Engineering & Management Open Access
Infectious Diseases and Therapy  Open Access
Information Technology & Software Engineering Open Access
Integrative Oncology Open Access
Intellectual Property Rights: Open Access
Interdisciplinary Medicine and Dental Science  Open Access
Internal Medicine  Open Access
International Journal of Advance Innovations, Thoughts & Ideas Open Access
International Journal of Economics and Management Science Open Access
International Journal of Clinical & Medical Imaging Open Access
International Journal of Genomic Medicine Open Access
International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation  Open Access
International Journal of School and Cognitive Psychology Open Access
International Journal of Sensor Networks and Data Communications Open Access
International Journal of Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation Open Access
International Journal of Accounting Research Open Access
Innovative Energy Policies Open Access
International Journal of Biomedical Data Mining Open Access
International Journal of Waste Resources Open Access
Immunome Research Open Access
Irrigation and Drainage Systems Engineering Open Access
JBR Journal of Interdisciplinary Medicine and Dental Science Open Access
JBR Journal of Clinical Diagnosis and Research Open Access
JBR Journal of Young Scientist Open Access
Leukemia Open Access
Liver Open Access
Lovotics Open Access
Marine Science: Research & Development Open Access Official Journal of Reef Ball Foundation
Mass Communication & Journalism Open Access
Material Sciences & Engineering Open Access
Medical & Surgical Urology  Open Access
Medical Diagnostic Methods Open Access
Medical Microbiology & Diagnosis Open Access
Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Open Access
Medicinal Chemistry Open Access
Membrane Science & Technology Open Access
Metabolic Syndrome Open Access
Metabolomics: Open Access  
Microbial & Biochemical Technology Open Access
Modern Chemistry & Applications  Open Access
Molecular Biology Open Access
Molecular Biomarkers & Diagnosis Open Access
Molecular Imaging & Dynamics Open Access
Molecular Pharmaceutics & Organic Process Research  Open Access
Mycobacterial Diseases Open Access
Molecular and Genetic Medicine  Open Access
Malaria Chemotherapy, Control & Elimination Open Access
Nanomedicine & Biotherapeutic Discovery Open Access
Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology Open Access
Nanomaterials & Molecular Nanotechnology European Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Association
Natural Products Chemistry & Research Open Access
Next Generation: Sequencing & ApplicationsOpen Access
Neonatal Biology Open Access
Nephrology & Therapeutics Open Access
Neurological Disorders  Open Access Official Journal of Bulgarian Society of Neurology (Europe)
Neurology & Neurophysiology Open Access Official Journal of Bulgarian Society of Neurology (Europe)
Novel Physiotherapies Open Access
Nuclear Medicine & Radiation Therapy Open Access
Nursing & Care Open Access, Official Journal of World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care societies
Nutrition & Food Sciences Open Access
Nutritional Disorders & Therapy Open Access
Neuroinfectious Diseases Open Access
Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy Open Access
Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs  Open Access
Oceanography-Open Access  
OMICS Journal of Radiology  Open Access
Oral Hygiene & Health  Open Access, Official Journal of Alexandria Oral Implantology Association, London School of Facial Orthotropics
Organic Chemistry: Current Research Open Access
Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research Open Access
Osteoporosis and Physical Activity  Open Access
Otolaryngology Open Access
Oral Health and Dental Management  Open Access Official Journal of London School of Facial Orthotropics
Pain & Relief  Open Access
Palliative Care & Medicine Open Access
Pancreatic Disorders & Therapy Open Access
Pediatrics & Therapeutics Open Access
Petroleum & Environmental Biotechnology Open Access
Pharmaceutica Analytica Acta Open Access
Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs: Open Access 
Pharmacogenomics & Pharmacoproteomics Open Access, Official Journal of European Society of Pharmacogenomics and Theranostics
Pharmacovigilance  Open Access
Phylogenetics & Evolutionary Biology Open Access
Physical Chemistry & Biophysics Open Access
Plant Biochemistry & Physiology  Open Access
Plant Pathology & Microbiology Open Access
Political Sciences & Public Affairs  Open Access
Pollution Effects & Control  Open Access
Poultry, Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences  Open Access
Powder Metallurgy & Mining Open Access
Primary Health Care: Open Access
Primatology Open Access
Probiotics & Health Open Access
Proteomics & Bioinformatics Open Access
Psychology & Psychotherapy Open Access Official Journal of Lebanese Psychological Association
Psychological Abnormalities in Children  Open Access
Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine Open Access
Physical Mathematics Open Access
Psychiatry: Open Access Open Access
Regenerative Medicine Stem Cell Research Italy
Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders Open Access
Rheumatology: Current Research Open Access Official Journal of Taiwan Rheumatology Association
Rice Research: Open Access
Research and Development
Review of Public Adminstration and Management
Single Cell Biology Open Access
Sleep Disorders & Therapy Open Access
Socialomics Open Access, Official journal of SILAE (Italy), Italo-Latin American Society of Ethnomedicine
Sociology and Criminology-Open Access Open Access
Spine Open Access
Sports Medicine & Doping Studies Open Access
Stem Cell Research & Therapy Open Access
Steroids & Hormonal Science Open Access
Stock & Forex Trading Open Access
Surgery: Current Research Open Access, Official Journal of European Society of Aesthetic Surgery
Telecommunications System & Management Open Access
Textile Science & Engineering Open Access
Theoretical and Computational Science Open Access
Thermodynamics & Catalysis Open Access
Thyroid Disorders & Therapy Open Access
Tissue Science & Engineering Open Access
Tourism & Hospitality Open Access
Tourism Research & Hospitality Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Transcriptomics: Open Access
Translational Medicine Open Access
Transplantation Technologies & Research Open Access
Trauma & Treatment Open Access
Tropical Diseases  Open Access
Tropical Medicine & Surgery  Open Access
Vaccines & Vaccination Open Access
Vascular Medicine & Surgery  Open Access
Veterinary Science & Technology Open Access
Virology & Mycology Open Access
Vitamins & Minerals  Open Access
Vortex Science and Technology Open Access
Women's Health Care Open Access
Yoga & Physical Therapy Open Access, Official Journal of Yoga Federation of Russia and Hong Kong Yoga Association
Young Scientist Open Access

OMICS Group international hosts over 300 leading-edge peer reviewed open access scholarly Journals and organizes over 100 international conferences annually all over the world. OMICS Group scholarly journals have over 3 million readers. The fame and success of these journals can be attributed to the strong editorial board which contains over 25000 eminent personalities that ensure a rapid, quality and quick review process. OMICS Group International has also signed an agreement with more than 100 international societies to make healthcare information Open Access.

Scholarly journals list is provided on the OMICS Group International�s website that can be browsed based on alphabetical order and the required category. OMICS Group International handles the articles of scientific journals through Editorial Manager System during the peer-review process. This enables an individual author to track the article status they have uploaded by logging into the site. OMICS Group boasts of over 300 peer reviewed journals for reference and retrieval by learners and professionals alike.

Scholarly journals list is provided on the OMICS Group International’s website that can be browsed based on alphabetical order and the required category. OMICS Group International handles the articles of scientific journals through Editorial Manager System during the peer-review process. This enables an individual author to track the article status they have uploaded by logging into the site. OMICS Group boasts of over 300 peer reviewed journals for reference and retrieval by learners and professionals alike. .

As all the scholarly journals of OMICS Group International are open access, they help in increasing the impact factor of journals through increased citations, which is calculated and published by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). Impact factor, the index for measuring the quality of a journal, is determined by averaging the number of citations a journal receives and the average number of times that articles within the journal are referred by the other scholars. Authors have the benefit of increasing citations to their work when compare to the traditional subscription-based journals. Open Access is a definitive and inevitable model for scientific publishing.

Apart from publishing the open access Journals, OMICS Group International also organizes the International Science Conferences worldwide. OMICS Group Conferences are integrated with workshops, symposia, trade shows and world congresses by bringing together people on a single platform thereby achieving its motto of rapidly increasing the flow of information and there by enlightening the lamp of knowledge across the globe on Science, Medicine and Technology. Thus OMICS Group science conferences help in contributing and learning about the most recent advances in the field of science and technology and helps sharing the work with the peer group, which assures feedback and enriches the research outcome.

Once the author accomplishes their task of writing following the standard format and submits the manuscript for publication, it is the responsibility of the scholarly journal to verify whether it is written as per the academic and research norms. Scholarly journals hence subject these articles for a blind peer review or double peer review system and expect the authors to correct and resubmit the research articles as per the expert opinion.  Scholarly journals thus expect the authors to sign the declaration, stating that the work is original and unpublished that duly acknowledges the sources referred for information.
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